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NEW: Display App allows seamless updates to digital menus. Read the press release!

About Us

At MustHaveMenus, we know the importance of a great menu. Your food, prices, specials, and brand all sell for you. A great menu does this. It creates demand and loyalty from existing customers. And it can bring in new customers who are looking for a place like yours. Our ground-breaking service and team of menu experts provide the whole menu solution: from design, storage, updating and printing to mobile marketing everywhere. Together we call it Menu Management. Join us and we'll work to grow your business.

At MustHaveMenus, we know the importance of a great menu. Your food, prices, specials, and brand all sell for you. A great menu does this. It creates demand and loyalty from existing customers. And it can bring in new customers who are looking for a place like yours. Our ground-breaking service and team of menu experts provide the whole menu solution: from design, storage, updating and printing to mobile marketing everywhere. Together we call it Menu Management. Join us and we'll work to grow your business.

Our Vision

Since its inception, MustHaveMenus has worked to provide small businesses an all-in-one menu management solution.

Our menu design tools, branding services, printing, QR codes, link pages, mobile-optimized menus and online publishing services have been used by tens of thousands of restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels, and hospitality businesses around the world.

Our Mission

To help independent restaurants worldwide build their brands, celebrate their food cultures, and realize their business dreams. We are dedicated to helping small businesses serve their customers with excellence.

Our Values


As a small business, we're sensitive to the resource constraints that independent restaurants face: time, money, marketing expertise. We pride ourselves on providing intuitive DIY tools that empower our customers to create exactly what they need, when they need it.


The hospitality industry is tough, but restaurant owners dream big and work tirelessly to make their vision a reality. We aim to create simple tools that can make a big impact, for each customer and for the industry as a whole.


We're a small, nimble team that believes in rolling up our sleeves, helping each other out, and getting things done. Like the restaurants we serve, we put in the hard work to keep improving day after day.


Our long-time customers know that we are endlessly improving, streamlining, and expanding our collection of products and restaurant design templates. Never satisfied with the status quo, our team thrives on collecting feedback and brainstorming amazing solutions to serve up next.

Leadership Team




Customer Success

As Seen In...

Mobile-icon align-center angle-down arrow-down arrow-up arrowleft back-arrow background-toggle bookmark-o bookmark camera Svg Vector Icons : Asset 1 check-circle check-gold check-simple check-white check checkbox compress copy-text crop databank-sort default-column delete-close description-next-line description-price-inline description-same-line expand-arrows expand facebookapp fine-tuning fit folder-add folder gear graphics-accents graphics-backgrounds graphics-clipart-accents graphics-clipart-backgrounds graphics-clipart-bar graphics-clipart-borders graphics-clipart-events graphics-clipart-food graphics-clipart-holiday graphics-clipart-labels graphics-clipart-sports graphics-clipart graphics-holiday-4th graphics-holiday-easter graphics-holiday-fday graphics-holiday-halloween graphics-holiday-mex graphics-holiday-more graphics-holiday-mothers graphics-holiday-newyears graphics-holiday-stp graphics-holiday-thx graphics-holiday-vday graphics-holiday-xmas graphics-photos-asian graphics-photos-bar graphics-photos-breakfast graphics-photos-cafe graphics-photos-dessert graphics-photos-events graphics-photos-mexican graphics-photos-pizza graphics-photos-seasonal graphics-photos graphics-shapes graphics-social graphics-uploads grid header-icon-mhm header-icon-print image-copy-2x image-flip info ipad-rotate item-price-format1 item-price-format2 item-price-format3 item-price-format4 layer-to-back location lock margins menuimage plus-circle one-column one-section one-two-column one-two-section opacity plus-circle plus price-after-description price-after-name Asset 1 Asset 1 Asset 1 question redo Asset 1 rotate search searchboost shape-crop shape-star-points share-link Svg Vector Icons : share social-fb social-mobile social-web style three-column three-section toolbar-corner-0 toolbar-corner-1 toolbar-corner-2 toolbar-corner-3 toolbar-corner-4 toolbar-fonts toolbar-graphics toolbar-highlight toolbar-highlighting-fill-color toolbar-highlighting-line-1 toolbar-highlighting-line-2 toolbar-highlighting-line-3 toolbar-highlighting-line-4 toolbar-highlighting-line-color toolbar-layout toolbar-pagesetup toolbar-spacing text trash two-column two-one-column two-one-section two-section undo user web-code Svg Vector Icons : zoom-in zoom-out ?

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